Yearly Plan $29.95/Month | Billed Annually | 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
Yes. TipRanks does not store payment information on our servers. Therefore, aside from the last four digits of the card used to purchase a TipRanks plan, our billing processor is the sole keeper of all billing information.
Yes. If you’re not satisfied with your TipRanks experience, you can claim your money back with ease given our 30 days money back guarantee!
No. TipRanks’ mission is to ensure total transparency. Therefore, there are no additional fees or hidden charges.
If a payment fails or is declined, we recommend to reach out to our support for further assistant. Another recommended way to overcome payment failures is to download the TipRanks app ( and purchase a subscription via the app. TipRanks will cover any additional fees required by the app store.
Yes. TipRanks uses bank-level encryption to connect to your account which ensures the security of all payment information.
TipRanks accepts Visa, American Express, Mastercard, PayPal and Apple pay as payment methods.
TipRanks has made connecting to a member of our customer support team easy. Customers can call toll-free: 1.866.388.7782. Or email our team at We offer 24/7 support to our Premium and Ultimate subscribers.