While TipRanks Basic is a great starter plan, for best results, we recommend upgrading to TipRanks Premium or Ultimate. Upgrading to TipRanks Premium or Ultimate unlocks all the tools and in-depth data you will need to make more informed, data-driven investment decisions.
Yes. TipRanks does not store payment information on our servers. Therefore, aside from the last four digits of the card used to purchase a TipRanks plan, our billing processor is the sole keeper of all billing information.
If a payment fails or is declined, we recommend to reach out to our support for further assistant. Another recommended way to overcome payment failures is to download the TipRanks app (https://click.tipranks.com/WJho/4gh968io) and purchase a subscription via the app. TipRanks will cover any additional fees required by the app store.
TipRanks has made connecting to a member of our customer support team easy. Customers can call toll-free: 1.866.388.7782. Or email our team at support@tipranks.com. We offer 24/7 support to our Premium and Ultimate subscribers.