Crowd Wisdom
How to Use the Crowd Wisdom Tab to Improve Your Investing
You will find the Crowd Wisdom tab in the side navigation menu for each individual stock. Use this page as part of your investment research to find out what investors overall think about a stock. This page is also useful as a gateway to opening and viewing individual investors’ portfolios, giving you new investment ideas.
You can toggle between a view of All Investors who hold portfolios on TipRanks, and Top Investors, who have been highly ranked by TipRanks.
The Average Holdings Size chart shows you, on average, what percentage of portfolios are allocated to that stock.
The Portfolios Holding [Stock Name] shows you the percentage change in the number of portfolios holding that stock, in both the Last 7 Days and the Last 30 Days.
Next, the Investor Sentiment chart displays a pie chart indicating the amount of the stock bought and sold by individual investors in the recent quarter. It also tells you whether the overall sentiment of investors holding the stock is Positive, Neutral or Negative.
Below that, you will see a table of [stock name] Investor Activity. Filter according to Action (Closed, Increased, Reduced or Opened). You can also filter the chart according to the star ranking of investors holding the stock. The table shows all transactions made on the stock by individual investors in the past six months. For each transaction made, you will see the Investor Profile, the Investor Action taken on the stock, the Transaction Date, the Portfolio Allocation in percentage form, and the Execution Price. The final column gives you the option to Follow each individual investor.
Click on any individual investor’s name to see a full profile of their portfolio and its holdings.
Beneath that chart, you will find a table called [Stock Name] Investors Also Bought. You can filter this chart by All Investors, Investors Under 35, Investors Between 35-55, Investors Over 55, and Best Performing investors. This chart shows you other stocks bought by the investors who purchased the stock under discussion. On this chart, you will see the Name of the stock, the Average Holding Size of the stock in all Smart Portfolios, the Last 7D Change (percentage by which the holdings changed in all portfolios in the past seven days), and the Last 30D Change (percentage by which the holdings changed in all portfolios in the past thirty days). The next column shows the Market Cap of each stock listed in the chart. The following column displays the Sector the stock is in, and the final column gives an option to Follow the stock.
As you scroll down the page, the next chart shows you a [Stock Name] Investor Analysis. Here, you can see the investment trends and performance of individual investors in that stock who are Under 35, Between 35-55, and Over 55. For each age group, you will see the Last 30 Days Holding Change of that stock, and the percentage of holders of that stock who are in that age group. You will also see the Average Segment Performance of that age group on the stock, displayed in the form of Average P/E Ratio, Beta, and Dividend Yield.
Scrolling further down the page, you will find a list of FAQs and their answers. Finally, you will see a chart indicating the Stocks with the Most Positive Individual Investor Sentiment in the [xxxxx] sector, which displays the tickers and prices of a few stocks that are in the same sector as the stock whose data you are viewing.
The Top Individual Investors page and the Crowd Wisdom tool help you invest wisely. Use them to view and follow the data about other investors’ transactions to learn new investment ideas and determine where best to place your money.